Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Get Well Mighty Mac

Well, there's nothing like perspective.

While considering how to get started with this blog, I got the awful news that our youth pastors' daughter, Mackenzie, was in need of immediate brain surgery and may be suffering from very aggressive cancer. Mac is eight years old, a tiny little person, but she and her family have great, great faith.

Her family has asked us to pray. Faith moves mountains. It moves the hand of God.

Dear God,
In the name of Jesus, I petition you to move on behalf of Mackenzie. Nothing is too hard for you, Lord. You are mighty to save. The plans you have for Mackenzie are to give her a hope and a future. Lord, let no weapon formed against her prosper. I thank you, God, that by your stripes we are healed and I ask that you heal Mackenzie completely. Please keep her and her precious family in your perfect peace. Increase and renew their faith. Comfort them through your Holy Spirit. You are still God over all. You are the same God who performed the miracles in the Bible and you are no respecter of persons. Extend your healing miracle to Mackenzie and be glorified in this situation today, Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.

Where two or more are gathered, Christ is in the midst of them. If you are a Christian and happen to be reading this post, please pause for a moment and pray. Be a part of Mackenzie's miracle. And see if your perspective doesn't start to change too!

1 comment:

Linda Emmons said...

thanks for encouraging people to pray and stand with our sisters, esp our little sisters, and brothers in times of trouble