Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Measuring Stick for 2008

Well, for me it’s really about February before I get around to looking at my goals for the upcoming year. I know that probably sounds lame, but it really does take me all of January to get my squirrelly kids back on their school schedule, get all the Christmas decorations jammed back into the basement and get life somewhat back to normal (whatever that is).

Really though, the beginning of the year is such a great time for evaluating and reevaluating progress. It’s the time for tying up loose ends, finishing projects, setting goals, revising business plans, and much more.

So this February as my brain at last switches into its contemplative mode, the biggest key for the coming year is: what standard of measure should I use?

There are so many methods of measuring our progress. Did I meet the goals I set last year at this time? Am I happier? Am I healthier? How’s my stress level? Has my financial statement improved? Have my relationships improved? Am I a better mother, wife, daughter, friend, teacher, colleague, speaker, writer, or businesswoman?

What about my values? Have I taken a stand, fought hard, won or lost? What about my work ethic? Did I do all I could whenever I could? Did I refuse to quit? Did I choose integrity over comfort?

Have I met others’ expectations of me? Have I met my own? Have I learned from my mistakes and failures? Have I been gracious in my successes?

There are just so many ways to measure progress. And I confess to asking myself all of the above questions—and more.

But for me, the biggest and most important measurement became clearer and clearer in 2007. For me, the most important questions for me to be asking are those that center on my faith. And in 2008, that’s the measuring stick that matters most to me.

For example:

Am I living in integrity with God’s Word? Am I being careful to give God thanks in all things? (Not for all things—thank heaven!) Am I letting God drive?

Am I sharing the miracles that are happening in my life with others? Am I giving God the glory for the successes that I have been blessed with? (He really does deserve it!)

Am I trusting God to pull me through difficult situations? Am I giving God my time, growing in my prayer-life? Am I reading the Bible everyday—and actually doing what it says?

Am I forgiving those who’ve hurt me? Am I letting go of bitterness and resentment that (by most standards) I should be entitled to retain? Am I wallowing in my failures or allowing God to work them together for good?

Am I being a decent ambassador for people who really haven’t had a chance to get to know God’s love, power, compassion, healing, mercy, grace and miracles? Am I praying for my community, our leaders, my church, and even those who’ve positioned themselves as enemies?

Of course, there’s much more. But the short of it is: I’ve come to believe that when I seek first these things that are not just important to the people (including myself) in this fast-paced, hustle and bustle world, but rather are important to God, then all the other things will fall into place—orchestrated by hands and power much bigger than my own.

I also believe that by allowing God to have His way, my life, my family, my gifts and talents, and my relationships can only get better and better. And I know that the evidence of God’s love, power, grace, favor, provision, and protection will be an awesome testimony in order for more people to know and experience Him.

I am expecting miracles this year! May God do a mighty work in healing our country this year and may He give you the desires of your heart as well. May you and your family be richly blessed in 2008.

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